Senior Product Designer

Family Docket


Project Overview

Family Docket helps make life easier for both attorneys and clients in family law cases by creating a space for organized exchanges of case information. With unique dashboards for both law-office and client users, Family Docket facilitates simple management of tasks, structured organization of documents, secure capturing of spouse-to-spouse communication, and reliable tracking of reimbursable expenses. 

Product Design, Interaction Design | Family Docket | June 2017 - December 2017 (6 months)


Feature Overview

Family Docket provides a robust feature set, allowing attorneys to easily manage case documents from their clients without being overwhelmed. 


Defining Dashboards

Research revealed that attorneys and paralegals can be managing 40-60 cases at a time that last anywhere from 6 months to years. This application needed a space that provided users with a high-level overview of all of their cases with clear direction on which ones needed their attention.

As an initial approach, I outlined all of the basic information surrounding a case. Paying specific attention to defining what the trigger would be for a user to want to open a specific case, I focused on the following 3 scenarios:

  1. A client has called or emailed, and an attorney needs to reference their case to communicate with them.

  2. The client has taken action through Family Docket and the attorney needs to review it.

  3. The attorney has not reviewed a specific case in a certain amount of time.

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Determining that the application would need some sort of notification system to alert attorneys to actions taken by their client in Family Docket, I listed out all of the MVP features and what information could be pulled from them. I then narrowed this comprehensive list to what an attorney would consider most important.


I then explored a few iterations of how this notification system could work in our current design system, making sure to balance the users' needs for clarity and meaningful information with our development timeline and capabilities.


Final Wireframes

Wire for My Cases view where an attorney can see all of their open cases.

Wire for Case Overview once an attorney has selected a case.


This project is planned to launch in Beta in mid-January 2018.